Thursday, August 25, 2011

Smartphone Security Issue

I've recently been sent this video from NBC news concerning posting pictures online from smartphones.

This is information I was already aware of, but it was a great reminder that we can NEVER be 100% secure when posting things online.  After working in the high-tech world and learning about IT security, the one thing I'm convinced of is that, if someone wants to access something, they will find a way to do it.

So, what is our response as Christians?  One option is to withdraw from technology completely and live segregated from the rest of society like the Amish.  But, how does that obey the Great Commandment?

The solution that I've come to adopt is two-fold: 1) We must do our best to learn about the risks and security vulnerabilities of the technology we are using.  Then, we must use this knowledge and the tools available to keep our personal information and our families as safe as possible.  2). We must realize that we are living in a fallen world and that evil will be present until Jesus returns.  So, after taking informed precautions, we must do as people have done for many centuries before the invention of the computer... Know that God is powerful enough to protect us and have faith in Him.

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